Quick guide for travelers


Taxi numbers
Taxis are cheaper than in many comparable cities and are white coloured. The service is operated by private companies, licensed by the Local Authority. The following are the phone numbers of the most used:


Subway & Buses
The trams, buses and metro in Milan are efficient, cheap and swift.


The network is run by ATM. You can choose between several ticket options. Standard urban ticket (1.50€) allows you to travel for 90 minutes, daily ticket (4,50€) is valid for 24 hours and two day ticket (8,45€) for 48 hours. You can also buy the rechargeable card RicaricaMI.

Tickets can be bought in various bars, tobacconists, stationers, news kiosks around the city, and in the automatic distributors located near the Metro stations. You can also buy the tickets through your smartphone, downloading the ATM Milano App.

Two and Three wheels
BikeMi is a public bicycle and electric bicycle transport system to be used for short trips and aimed to improve the quality of the environment and physical well-being. This is the first example in the world of an integrated Bike sharing system between traditional and electrical means, unique in terms of size, complexity and innovation. The first 30 minutes of each use are free for traditional bikes, and then the arranged rates are applied.

Enjoy is the first scooter sharing in free-floating mode has come to Milan. You’ll drive a Piaggio MP3, the world’s first three-wheel scooter, to get around Milan in comfort. Register on the website or App and run a search on the Enjoy map. It’ll show you all the free scooters nearest to you, or anywhere else you want to look, and it’ll let you book the one that’s best for you!


Milan is covered by a free WiFi service called OpenWifiMilano. Once connected, you’ll be redirected to the registration page. If you are walking around the city, maybe you’ll find one of the over 20 digital areas (Isole Digitali) which provide WiFi, power for recharging your devices and info on tourism, culture and urban mobility as well.


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